Changed opening hours:

Please note that no spontaneous visits are possible on May 14 and 15, 2024. Our event programs, the factory pick-up and all other formats will take place regardless of this. The restriction applies to…

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Porsche Design Store Leipzig.

Emotions to take away.

Welcome to the Porsche Design Store Leipzig. Do you have any questions about our offers? You can reach us from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 16:00. We are also happy to dispatch the items of your choice. Please send your order requests by e-mail to Payment is possible by bank transfer or credit card.

Please note that the Porsche Design Store is closed on Saturdays until further notice.

Porsche Design Store Leipzig
Porschestraße 1
04158 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 999 13515


The Porsche Design Store Leipzig is within reach.